Clinical Trial
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Principal Investigators
The purpose of this study is to see if stimulation of the brain can improve memory. The investigators will use a device called transcranial magnetic stimulation that can stimulate and activate a specific part of the brain that is important for memory. The study will enroll subjects with MCI (mild cognitive impairment) who will be randomly assigned to receive active or sham brain stimulation. ‘Blinded’ or ‘sham-controlled’ means that the subject will not know whether the treatment they receive is the active treatment or the non-active stimulation. In the ‘sham’ condition, the stimulator will turn on but will not actually be stimulating the target brain region.
Equipment we use
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applies gentle magnetic pulses (similar to the magnetic field used in an MRI machine) to targeted areas of the brain. Stimulating the brain in this way enhances “neuroplasticity,” or the brain’s ability to change itself, and helps restore normal function.
Mobile Scalp EEG System
High density 64-channel EEG recording system with miniature low weight amplifier to measure brain activity during behavioral tasks.
The Neuronavigation equipment utilizes high-precision optical tracking technology to provide real-time visual feedback of TMS coil position and stimulated sites. These are overlaid upon a participant’s MRI, allowing for accurate targeting during TMS sessions.
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